
How to fix job for mariadb.service failed because the control process exited with error code?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

When the mariadb.service fails, it is because the control process exited with an error code. This error code happens when the process cannot be controlled or when it exits unexpectedly.

1. Check if the process is running

  1. Check the status of mariadb.service on the system.
  2. If the status is not running, start mariadb.service.
  3. Check the status of the mariadb.service process.
  4. If the process is not running, stop mariadb.service.
  5. Check the status of the mariadb.service process again.
  6. If the process is running, fix the problem and restart the service.

2. Check the status of the process

  1. Start the mariadb.service process by running the following command: service mariadb start
  2. Check the status of the process by running the following command: ps -ef | grep mariadb
  3. If the process is not running, start it by running the following command: service mariadb start
  4. Check the status of the process by running the following command: ps -ef | grep mariadb
  5. If the process is not running, kill it by running the following command: killall mariadb.service
  6. Check the status of the process by running the following command: ps -ef | grep mariadb
  7. If the process is not running, start it by running the following command: service mariadb start

3. Check the logs for the process

The following are the steps that need to be taken to check the logs for the process in order to fix job for mariadb.service failed because the control process exited with error code.

  1. In order to check the logs, the first step is to open a terminal window and navigate to the location where the logs are stored.
  2. Once in the terminal window, the next step is to use the command line tool, telnet, to connect to the target machine.
  3. Once connected, the next step is to use the command line tool, grep, to search for the error message that was encountered when the process failed.
  4. If the error message is found, the next step is to use the command line tool, sudo, to access the root account on the target machine.
  5. Next, the next step is to use the command line tool, sudo bash, to enter the root account and fix the error.

4. Check the configuration file for the process

  1. Check the process’s status with the kill command: kill -9 mariadb.service
  2. Check the process’s PID with the pid command: pid mariadb.service
  3. Check the process’s status and PID with the ps command: ps -ef | grep mariadb.service
  4. Check the process’s status and PID with the top command: top -b -n 1 mariadb.service

If the answers above didn't work then you should also try:

  1. Check for any updates for the process