
How do I fix LDAP error code 53?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

The LDAP error code 53 happens when the LDAP server is unable to find the requested object in the directory. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as if the object does not exist, the object is not in the LDAP server's search scope, or the LDAP server is not configured correctly.

1. Check if the LDAP server is running

  1. Login to the LDAP server using the username and password provided.
  2. If the LDAP server is running, you will see a list of available services. If the LDAP server is not running, you will see an error message indicating that the LDAP server is not available.
  3. To check if the LDAP server is running, you can use the following command: ldapsearch -x -h hostname -b 'uid=<username>' -o result
  4. If the LDAP server is running, you will see output that looks like the following: ldapsearch: ldap_result: 1 entries
  5. If the LDAP server is not running, you will see an error message indicating that the LDAP server is not available.

2. Check if the LDAP server is accessible from the client machine

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the directory where the LDAP server is installed.
  2. Type ldapsearch -h ldap://localhost -x -w -D "cn=Directory Manager"
  3. If the LDAP server is accessible, you will see a response similar to the following: Output:

ldapsearch -h ldap://localhost -x -w -D "cn=Directory Manager"

ldap_search_result dn: cn=Directory Manager,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalUnit objectClass: inetOrgPerson name: Administrator ou: People cn: Administrator

3. Check if the LDAP server is configured to allow connections from the client machine

To check if the LDAP server is configured to allow connections from the client machine, you can use the ldapsearch command to query the LDAP server for the user object that corresponds to the username that is experiencing the ldap error code 53. For example, the following command will query the LDAP server for the user object for the username john. ldapsearch -x -h ldap://ldap.company.com -b "ou=People,dc=company,dc=com" If the LDAP server is configured to allow connections from the client machine, you will receive a response that includes the user object for john. If the LDAP server is not configured to allow connections from the client machine, you will receive a response that includes the error code 53.

4. Check if the LDAP server is configured to use the correct port

The LDAP server must be configured to use the correct port in order to fix ldap error code 53. The LDAP server must be contacted on port 389. The LDAP server must be contacted on port 3389. The LDAP connection must be made using SSL.

5. Check if the LDAP server is configured to use the correct encryption method

To check if the LDAP server is configured to use the correct encryption method, follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt and type "netcfg ldap Show encryption"
  2. If the LDAP server is configured to use the correct encryption method, the command should return "Enabled: True"
  3. If the LDAP server is not configured to use the correct encryption method, the command should return "Enabled: False"

6. Check if the LDAP server is configured to use the correct bind method

The LDAP server must be configured to use the correct bind method in order to fix ldap error code 53. This can be determined by checking the bind method configuration file. The correct bind method can be found in the following location: /etc/ldap/ldap.conf The LDAP server must be configured to use the correct bind method in order to fix ldap error code 53. This can be determined by checking the bind method configuration file. The correct bind method can be found in the following location: /etc/ldap/ldap.conf The LDAP server must be configured to use the correct bind method in order to fix ldap error code 53. This can be determined by checking the bind method configuration file. The correct bind method can be found in the following location: /etc/ldap/ldap.conf

Still not working? maybe try one of these options:

  1. Check if the LDAP server is configured to use the correct search base.
  2. Check if the LDAP server is configured to use the correct search filter.
  3. Check if the LDAP server is configured to use the correct search scope.
  4. Check if the LDAP server is configured to use the correct search attributes.