
How to fix the 499 status code?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 3rd, 2022

The 499 status code is an HTTP status code that is used when a client has been terminated by a server. This can happen for a number of reasons, but most often it is because the client has been idle for too long or has sent too many requests in a short period of time.

You are here because you have a question about:

  • http error code 499
  • error code 499
  • 499 status code

1. Check the URL for errors and correct them

  1. Check the URL for any typos or errors.
  2. If there are any typos or errors, correct them and then try accessing the URL again.
  3. If the URL is still not working, contact the website owner or administrator to resolve the issue.

2. Check the server for errors and correct them

If you are encountering a 499 status code, it is likely that there is an error with the server. To check the server for errors, you will need to access the server logs. Once you have accessed the server logs, you will need to look for any errors that are associated with the 499 status code. Once you have found the errors, you will need to correct them in order to fix the 499 status code.

3. Check the client for errors and correct them

  1. The first step is to check the client for errors. This can be done by looking at the client's log files or by running a debugging tool such as Wireshark.
  2. If you find any errors, correct them and then try to reproduce the 499 status code.
  3. If you are still unable to fix the 499 status code, contact the client's support team for further assistance.

4. Try again later

There could be a few reasons for a 499 status code:

  1. The server timed out waiting for the request - The request could be taking too long or the server might be too busy.
  2. The server is not able to process the request - This could be due to a temporary issue or a permanent issue.
  3. The request was cancelled by the client - This could be due to the user cancelling the request or a network issue. If you receive a 499 status code, the best thing to do is to try again later. The problem could be temporary and the server might be able to process the request if you try again. If the problem persists, you may need to contact the website or the server administrator to resolve the issue.