What is iPhone 6 error 4005?
iPhone 6 error 4005 is an error that usually occurs when the iTunes software has not been properly downloaded or installed.
How can you fix iPhone 6 error 4005?
Some of the solutions to this error include testing, replacing, or repairing hardware.
Please see our in-depth walk-through solutions below.
Test, Replace or Repair HardwareiPhone 6 error 4005 may occur when iTunes detects a faulty hardware. It is highly advisable to do Device Firmware Update Mode**(**DFU) restoration multiple time before declaring hardware failure. Note that it will delete all your files.

Restore the device using Device Firmware Update Mode
Run iTunes, then plug in your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to your computer using the bundled USB cable or a high-speed USB cable.
Next, press and hold the home button and power button at the same time for 10 seconds.
Release only the power button after 10 seconds but keep hold the home button for an additional five seconds. If the Apple logo appears on the screen, please repeat the process.
If the screen is still black, wait for the message, “iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode” to appear on your computer's iTunes.
Click "OK" to restore your phone, wait for the process to finish.
NOTE: If the error is caused by a faulty hardware, please send your device to the Apple service center for warranty claim.
Test, Replace or Repair Hardware
- Make sure the computer USB port that you are using is in good condition.
- Make sure your USB cable is also in good condition and it is original Apple manufactured USB cable.
- Make sure that the battery working efficiently, if iTunes detected that it is degraded, it may cause the error 4005. Replace it with an original Apple manufactured battery.
- Some parts of iPhone 6 may cause error 4005, such as faulty LCD, the sensors (compass IC and Proximity Sensor) and flex sensor cable. Removing it one of each part and applying DFU may help.