
How do I fix IRS reference number 1242?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

The IRS reference number 1242 indicates that the taxpayer has not filed a return for the current year. This error code happens because the taxpayer has not provided the required information to the IRS.

Other common searches for this error include:

  • error code : -8302 irs
  • irs reference number 1242

1. The IRS may be able to help you if you cannot find your reference number

If you have misplaced your reference number, you may be able to fix it by following these steps:

  1. Verify your Social Security number. If you do not have a Social Security number, you can get one by visiting the Social Security Administration website.
  2. Verify your taxpayer identification number (TIN). If you do not have a TIN, you can get one by visiting the IRS website.
  3. Verify your address. If you do not have an address, you can get an address by visiting the IRS website.
  4. Verify your date of birth. If you do not have a date of birth, you can get one by visiting the IRS website.
  5. Verify your parent's name and their address. If you do not know your parent's name or their address, you can contact the IRS.

2. You can try looking for your reference number on any correspondence you have from the IRS

  1. Look for your correspondence in your email or online file.
  2. Verify the date and document type.
  3. Verify the sender and recipient.
  4. Compare the document title and text.
  5. Compare the document number.
  6. Compare the document type.
  7. Use the IRS online tool to verify the reference number.

3. If you have filed a paper return, your reference number should be on the upper right hand corner of the return

  1. Open the return in your original filing software.
  2. If there is no reference number on the return, locate and enter the taxpayer's SSN in the "SSN" field.
  3. Locate and enter the year of the return in the "Year" field.
  4. locate and enter the "File Date" in the "Date Filed" field.
  5. locate and enter the "Reference Number" in the "Reference Number" field.
  6. Click on "File".
  7. The "File Results" window will open.
  8. The "File Results" window will show the "Summary" tab.
  9. The "Summary" tab will show the "Reference Number" and "Date Filed" fields.
  10. The "Reference Number" field will have the taxpayer's assigned reference number.
  11. The "Date Filed" field will have the date the return was filed.
  12. The "Summary" tab will also show the correct filing status (e.g. "Paid") and any associated penalties.

Still not working? maybe try one of these options:

  1. If you have filed your return electronically, you should have received an email from the IRS with your reference number.