What is Windows error 2 iTunes?
Windows error 2 iTunes is an error that usually occurs when you can't update or install iTunes on your Windows PC.
How can you fix Windows error 2 iTunes?
Some of the solutions to this error include reinstalling iTunes.
Please see our in-depth walk-through solutions below.
1. Re-install iTunes
Windows error 2 iTunes may occur if iTunes and associated iTunes application are corrupt or outdated iTunes. Error 2 also occur when iTunes installation was incomplete. Another case is when running iTunes using a guest account but this can be fixed by logging in as an administrator account.

To fix error 2 in iTunes, run iTunes and update it using an administrator account. If the issue persists, re-install iTunes. To re-install iTunes, there are some steps that need to follow. See the steps below.
Step 1. Uninstall iTunes and its associated components
NOTE: Log in as Administrator account before doing the steps below.
NOTE: For some reason iTunes and it's associated software requires to uninstalled in a specific order. Please follow the order below. If one of the software is missing, please skip and also do not reboot the PC until all software is uninstalled.
- iTunes
- Apple Software Update
- Bonjour
- iCloud
- Mobile ME Control
- Quicktime
- Apple Application Support 32-bit
- Apple Application Support 64-bit
- Apple Mobile Device Support
Step 2. Check for remaining unwanted files
Unwanted files can be seen in the following location below. Delete all iTunes folder and related software folder. Also, empty the Recycle bin. Restart when finished
For Windows x64
C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files\Common Files
For Windows X86
C:\Program Files (x86)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
Step 3. Reinstall iTunes and related components
Before installing iTunes, make sure your PC has an updated Microsoft NET Framework runtime and Windows fully updated, to avoid an additional problem. Please download and install the latest version of Microsoft NET Framework runtime here and check for Windows update. Restart the PC after the installation of Microsoft NET Framework runtime.
Now, download and install the latest version of iTunes using this link here.