
How to fix Windows Update Error Code 80073701?

Alton Alexander
By Alton AlexanderUpdated on June 4th, 2022

Windows update error code 80073701 is a common error that can occur when trying to update Windows. This error is usually caused by a corrupt or damaged update file, which can prevent Windows from being able to install the update properly. In most cases, this error can be fixed by simply downloading and installing the update again. However, if the problem persists, it may be necessary to use a third-party tool to fix the issue.

1. Check your internet connection and try again

  1. Open the "cmd" window by pressing "windows key + X" and typing "cmd".
  2. Type "ping google.com" and hit enter.
  3. If the command returns a result, your internet connection is working. If it does not, your internet connection is not working and you will need to try again.
  4. Type "cmd" and hit enter again.
  5. Type "netsh int ipv4 show interface" and hit enter.
  6. If the command returns an error, your internet connection is not working and you will need to try again.
  7. Type "cmd" and hit enter again.
  8. Type "netsh interface ipv4 add comment=" and hit enter.
  9. Type "cmd" and hit enter again.
  10. Type "netsh interface ipv4 add name=" and hit enter.
  11. Type "cmd" and hit enter again.
  12. Type "ping google.com" and hit enter.
  13. If the command returns a result, your internet connection is working. If it does not, your internet connection is not working and you will need to try again.
  14. Type "cmd" and hit enter again.
  15. Type "netsh interface ipv4 delete comment=" and hit enter.
  16. Type "cmd" and hit enter again.
  17. Type "netsh interface ipv4 delete name=" and hit enter.
  18. Type "cmd" and hit enter again.
  19. Type "ping google.com" and hit enter.
  20. If the command returns a result, your internet connection is working. If it does not, your internet connection is not working and you will need to try again.

2. Try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter

  1. Go to Start > Settings > Update and Security.
  2. Click on the Windows Update icon.
  3. On the left side, under Update Method, click on Check for updates.
  4. If there are new updates, they will be listed. If there are updates to be installed, they will be listed in the right pane.
  5. If there are updates to be installed, click on the Install updates button.
  6. The Windows Update Troubleshooter will start.
  7. If there are any problems, it will show them on the right side.
  8. Click on the Fix problems button.
  9. If there are no problems, the Windows Update Troubleshooter will finish.
  10. Click on the Finish button.

3. Reset the Windows Update Components

  1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.
  2. Under System and Security, click Windows Update.
  3. On the Windows Update window, click the Check for updates button.
  4. If Windows Update detects updates, click the Update and repair button.
  5. If Windows Update cannot detect updates, click the View installed updates button.
  6. On the Installed Updates tab, click the Update History button.
  7. On the Update History window, click the Update Details button.
  8. Under the Update Details tab, click the Details button.
  9. Under the Update Details tab, review the Windows Update error code and the specific update that caused the problem.
  10. If you can find the update causing the problem, click the Remove button.
  11. If you cannot find the update causing the problem, click the OK button.
  12. Click the Apply button.
  13. Close the Windows Update window.

If you didn't find success with an option above, then try:

  1. Try downloading and installing the updates manually
  2. Contact Microsoft Support