What is Error code 805a8011?
Error code 805a8011 is an error that usually occurs when trying to install or update a certain application from the Windows Store.
How can you fix Error code 805a8011?
Some of the solutions to this error include setting the time and date, and manually synchronizing your Microsoft account.
Please see our in-depth walk-through solutions below.
1. Set Time and Date
Your Windows mobile may encounter "error code 805a8011" if the time and date are not synchronized with the internet. To fix this, please set the time and date automatically so it would sync to the internet. Please see below.

- Go to Settings.
- Click Date+Time.
- Set your Time and Date.
- Then, try to install or update an application from the Windows store.
2. Manually Synchronize your Microsoft Account
Your Windows phone may be desynchronized with your Microsoft Account. To solve "error code 805a8011", kindly synch it manually. A guide is provided below.

- Go to Setting > Email + account.
- Add an account if you do not have it yet.
- After adding, click and Hold on Microsoft account.
- Click Synchronize when it appears.
- Then, try to install or update an application from the Windows store.
If the error persists, your internet connection might be slow. Call your internet service provider if they could assist you with your internet concerns.