What is Windows 10 error driver_irql_not_less_or_equal?
"Windows 10 error driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" is a Blue Screen of Death error that usually occurs when a driver uses an incorrect memory address.
How can you fix Windows 10 error driver_irql_not_less_or_equal?
Some of the solutions to this error include uninstalling the corrupt driver, fixing the registry, testing the hardware for defects and reinstalling Windows.
Please see our in-depth walk-through solutions below.
1. Uninstall corrupt driver
"Windows 10 error driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" may be caused by a newly installed driver, which may also be corrupted or incompatible with the Windows version. To solve this error, try booting Windows into Safe Mode and uninstalling the driver.
Option 1. Access Safe Mode using Desktop
2. Fix registry

"Windows 10 error driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" may also be caused by a damaged or missing registry. Recovering the backup and fixing the registry may fix the error.
- Insert the Windows 10 installation CD/DVD or USB.
- A message will appear “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD”, press any key to boot from the Windows installation CD/DVD or USB.
- Select your language, time and keyboard, and click next.
- Click Repair your computer.
- To access Advance option, please see solution
- Click Troubleshoot ==> Advance Option ==> Command prompt.
- Type "C:" press enter key ==> "dir"press enter key ==> "cd \windows\system32/config" press enter key ==> "mb backup" press enter key ==> "copy . backup"press enter key ==> "CD" regback" press enter key ==> "dir" press enter key ==> "Copy . .." press enter key ==> "A" (note: must be) Capital A press enter key.
- Then close Command prompt and click continue.
3. Test Hardware
"Windows 10 error driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" may also be caused by a defective hardware. You may want to reconnect and test your hardware to fix the error.
- Turn off and unplug your computer.
- Then open the case.
- Remove all RAM/memory stick and, clean the RAM gold pin using an eraser and connect it again. Make sure that you push it down enough that the retention lever or the RAM slot lock snaps.
- Detach graphics card and other components such as a printer and network adaptor.
- Reconnect hard drive. If you have multiple hard drives, do not connect the secondary hard drives only the hard drive with installed Windows on it.
- Reset your Motherboard Bios by removing the CMOS battery and reconnect it after two minutes.
- Clean your CPU fan from dust and make sure the CPU fan cable is connected to the motherboard properly.
- Test the PC, turn it on. Check if the CPU fan is working if not buy a new one. If good, proceed.
- If it proceeds to Windows Desktop turn it off again.
- Reconnect graphics card, secondary hard drive, and the other components. If the error occurs, your graphics card or add-on component might be the source of the BSOD. Reconnect it one by one and until you determine which one is causing the problem.
- If the error persists, please proceed with the hardware test below,
Hard disk drive (HDD) test using Check Disk
4. Reinstall Windows

If all the components are in good condition or you had replaced a bad HDD please reinstall a new Windows 10. It is possible that "Windows 10 error driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" may be caused by a damage Windows component.
- Insert the Windows installation DVD or USB.
- A message will appear “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD”, press any key to boot from the Windows installation CD/DVD or USB.
- Select your language, time and keyboard, and click Next.
- Click Install Now.
- Click I accept the terms of the license, and then click Next.
- Click Custom (Advanced).
- Select the partition, and click Delete.
NOTE: Delete all partition.