Xbox 360 error code 8015d003 is an error that usually occurs when you try to sign in to Xbox Live. It may be a problem with your Xbox Live profile.
"Xbox 360 error code 8015D003" may due to incorrect Microsoft account related to your Xbox live account. You might have changed your password or your Microsoft account is incomplete such as unfinished verification process. Sign-in and check your account.
If all email verification and information are complete, the issue may due to Xbox Live Service, please check if the service is online, see here. If not wait for it to be online.
1. Clear the System Cache
If you have logged your Xbox live account from other Xbox 360 you may encounter “Xbox 360 error code 8015D003.” It could also be due to a desynchronize Xbox live account to your account. This is caused by a caching issue. Deleting the Xbox 360 cache may fix the issue.

- Click the Guide button on the controller.
- Navigate to Settings and select System Settings.
- Select Memory or Storage.
- Highlight any of the storage, and press Y on the controller.
- Select Clear System Cache.
- Select Yes to confirm.
- Turn off your Xbox 360.
- Unplug it for at least three minutes.
- Turn it on, redeem a prepaid code or download your content from Xbox Live.