What is iPhone error 2002?
iPhone error 2002 is an error that usually occurs when you have an outdated iTunes firmware.
How can you fix iPhone error 2002?
Some of the solutions to this error include running an anti-virus and performing a clean boot.
Please see our in-depth walk-through solutions below.
1. Run an anti-virus
A malicious software might be running on your computer which is secretly using or accessing your iPhone that is why error 2002 appears. You might want to scan your computer using an updated anti-virus.
2. Perform a clean boot
iPhone error 2002 may also occur when iTunes cannot connect to the device because a program is already using/ connected to it or the device is disconnected during the Apple Server check. You may want to disable all third-party programs that run on Windows/ Mac upon startup. Please use the steps below to disable the third-party programs.

For Windows
Watch it here on YouTube
Click Windows Start, type in msconfig and then press Enter.
At the General tab, select Selective Startup.
Uncheck the Load startup items.
Go to services tab, check Hide all Mircosoft services and then click Disable all.
Click Apply, then click OK and click Restart.
Try connect your iPhone and try to update again.
For OS X
- Restart the computer.
- If you have a login window, hold Shift key before pressing login button. Release when you're in the Desktop.
- If you do not use login window, hold Shift when progress bar start. Release when you're in the Desktop.
- Try connect your iPhone and try to update again.